Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Since my hair has been growing in so dark and grey, I thought I'd go get it colored to what it was before this chemo thing. I even took my wig (which was really close to my hair color before--a little darker but not bad) and asked the stylist to get as close to that as she could. When she showed me the color swatches, it looked like the color was pretty close. When she finished my hair it was not even remotely close. I now have red hair and, although I have had a red-head's complexion my whole life, I hate the red hair. I hope I can stand it until January when I can get it redone. It's still thin, especially on the crown where it used to be really thick, but it is getting longer and doesn't look quite so concentration-camp as it used to. I sure expect a lot from a head of hair!

eight months after last chemo session

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Losing it again...

My great sadness is that although my hair started to come in pretty thick, I'm losing it again, this time due to the drug they have me on. I don't think I'll lose it all like I did with chemo but it's definitely thinning. What an indictment that my hair loss bothers me more than my mastectomy!

I underwent plastic surgery this past month for reconstruction and am now completely through with everything on my to-do list as far as this cancer goes. Yeah! I'm flying out tomorrow to see my new grandson (who is on his way but not here quite yet...)

seven months after last chemo session