Friday, September 30, 2011


six months after last chemo session

Very kind people constantly tell me my hair looks great. I think they're all headed straight for the celestial kingdom...

I saw my oncologist yesterday and have been declared officially healthy and completely DONE with cancer. I'm through with treatments and don't plan to ever need them again so life is very good. My final surgery (cosmetic only) is scheduled for October 17 after which I can turn my back on this past year and truly feel like I'm back in the human race again. Yeah!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Glad to be cool

Here's the latest--running behind like always. I decided to go to monthly but I didn't even make that deadline (which would have been August 31).

5 months after last chemo session

It's coming in really curly and grey. I mousse it down on the top and up in the back so it looks darker than it really is. The ends, especially, are really light (white?). I am able to part it now (with enough mousse) so it's looking more deliberate than accidental. When the mousse starts to wear out, I just wet it down again. It's been great to have short hair during August and is a breeze to "fix" in the mornings but I'm still looking forward to longer hair.